LED Cube/en

Aus Wiki CCC Göttingen
Version vom 30. April 2012, 12:22 Uhr von Marvin (Diskussion | Beiträge)
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LED Cube Series

Chapter 1: Build

Section 0: Preparation and Requirements

Section 1: PCB Soldering Manual

Section 2: Cube Soldering Manual

Section 3: Assembly and Testing

Chapter 2: Play

Using the Cube

Creating an Animation

Chapter 3: Learn

Understanding the Electronics

Custom Programs

Welcome to the portal to the English LED Cube series. This series consists of several articles, describing construction of and working with the cccgoe 3x3x3 LED Cube.


The purpose of the LED Cube series is to introduce you to soldering at the hobby level. In additional chapters, electronic aspects of the LED Cube will be explained and you will have the chance of learning how to write your own programs for the microcontroller on it. It is thus much less the product, the LED Cube itself, that should be the motivation read this series and to build it, but the knowledge you will gain while doing so. Still - running LED Cubes that are loaded with an interesting animation can be very fascinating.

Getting Started

Have a look in the sidebar on the right of this page: This sidebar will accompany you through the LED Cube series. If you simply want to get started, start with Section 0 of Chapter 1: Preparation and Requirements.

If you want to learn more about the LED Cube before starting, just click through the entries in the right sidebar.

Organizing a Workshop

In addition to the workshops that are held in the Noklab, we are also able to visit you and give a workshop at your location. Please read Rent A Maker for more information on this.


Hefee has created a very cool Case for the PCB, which can be printed on many 3D printers.

Some Nice Pictures Of LED Cubes

Do you want this series in another language? Go back to LED Cube.