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"unsere" procdefs.ld - für das Pinguino Board / ohne das man den Bootloader überschreibt
/************************************************************************* * Processor-specific object file. Contains SFR definitions. *************************************************************************/ INPUT("processor.o") /************************************************************************* * Processor-specific peripheral libraries are optional *************************************************************************/ OPTIONAL("libmchp_peripheral.a") OPTIONAL("libmchp_peripheral_32MX220F032D.a") /************************************************************************* * For interrupt vector handling *************************************************************************/ PROVIDE(_vector_spacing = 0x00000001); _ebase_address = 0x9D003000; /************************************************************************* * Memory Address Equates * _RESET_ADDR -- Reset Vector * _BEV_EXCPT_ADDR -- Boot exception Vector * _DBG_EXCPT_ADDR -- In-circuit Debugging Exception Vector * _DBG_CODE_ADDR -- In-circuit Debug Executive address * _DBG_CODE_SIZE -- In-circuit Debug Executive size * _GEN_EXCPT_ADDR -- General Exception Vector *************************************************************************/ _RESET_ADDR = 0x9D004000; _BEV_EXCPT_ADDR = 0x9D004380; _DBG_EXCPT_ADDR = 0x9D004480; _DBG_CODE_ADDR = 0xBFC02000; _GEN_EXCPT_ADDR = _ebase_address + 0x180; /************************************************************************* * Memory Regions * * Memory regions without attributes cannot be used for orphaned sections. * Only sections specifically assigned to these regions can be allocated * into these regions. *************************************************************************/ MEMORY { kseg0_program_mem (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x9D004A00, LENGTH = 0x3600 kseg0_boot_mem : ORIGIN = 0x9D004490, LENGTH = 0x570 exception_mem : ORIGIN = 0x9D003000, LENGTH = 0x1000 kseg1_user_mem : ORIGIN = 0xBFC00400, LENGTH = 0x800 kseg1_boot_mem : ORIGIN = 0x9D004000, LENGTH = 0x490 debug_exec_mem : ORIGIN = 0xBFC02000, LENGTH = 0xFF0 config3 : ORIGIN = 0xBFC02FF0, LENGTH = 0x4 config2 : ORIGIN = 0xBFC02FF4, LENGTH = 0x4 config1 : ORIGIN = 0xBFC02FF8, LENGTH = 0x4 config0 : ORIGIN = 0xBFC02FFC, LENGTH = 0x4 kseg1_data_mem (w!x) : ORIGIN = 0xA0000000, LENGTH = 0x2000 sfrs : ORIGIN = 0xBF800000, LENGTH = 0x100000 } SECTIONS { .config_BFC02FF0 : { KEEP(*(.config_BFC02FF0)) } > config3 .config_BFC02FF4 : { KEEP(*(.config_BFC02FF4)) } > config2 .config_BFC02FF8 : { KEEP(*(.config_BFC02FF8)) } > config1 .config_BFC02FFC : { KEEP(*(.config_BFC02FFC)) } > config0 .extra_prg_mem : { * (extra_prg_mem) } >kseg1_user_mem }