The "new" inventory system for manageing the store of electronic parts in the hackerspace. The main idea is to use barcodes for identification and an always up-to-date database.
the inventory system consists of:
- a barcode scanner (ms7120, omnidirectional)
- a label printer (seiko ez30, 28mm*89mm labels)
- a dedicated pc (fujitsu lifebook c345, pentium 2 or something)
- sophisticated software connecting all the constituents
- many plastic bags with barcode labels sticking on them and parts within them
- a number of plastic boxes holding the bags
- printer driver
- barcode label generator
- power supply unit for scanner
- test of scanner with newly printed labels
- get network for pc (need: pcmcia ethernet card)
- set up pc (debian, netinstall, no PAE)
- concept for database structure
- design gui interface
- find usable camera for taking pictures of the parts
- automatize picture taking + association with parts
- massive amount of people to help with initial catalogization