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Version vom 15. April 2012, 03:23 Uhr von Marvin (Diskussion | Beiträge)
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TVbgone with two SMD LEDs and two normal 5mm LEDs

This is a clone of the normal TVBGone Kit. TVBGone is a board that tries to switch off every TV device. This one is built with almost only SMD parts, this board is smaller than the original.



1 - Reset

2 - GND

3 - Vcc

4 - SCK

5 - MISO

6 - MOSI


1 - Vcc

2 - GND



Designator Value Part-No Price / EUR Count Sum / EUR
R1 1 kΩ, 0805 R: 0.01 1 0.01
R3 10 kΩ, 1206 R: 0.01 1 0.01
R5 470 Ω, 0603 R: 0.01 1 0.01
C1 100nF, 0603 C: 0.01 1 0.01
C2 100uF 100uF,1206 0.34 1 0.34
C3, C4 22pF 0603 C: 0.01 2 0.02
T1-T4 NPN SOT23 BC817 0.04 4 0.16
T5 PNP SOT23 BC807 0.04 1 0.04
XTAL1 8Mhz hc49 Q 8 MHZ HC 49/US-SMD 0.26 1 0.26
LED5 yellow 0603 0.01 1 0.01
uC SOIC ATTINY85V-10SU 1.95 1 1.95
P1, P2 6 Pol, 2 Pole 0.24 1 0.24
S1 switch ? 1 ?
Sum 2.86

Infrared LEDs[Bearbeiten]

The perfect LEDs aren't found till now. The SMD LEDs have a too big opening angle, so the power is not enough for switching the TV off. On the other hand with 10° you have to target very perfectly... Another problem is that the board haas a bug for the SMD LEDs, if these are solded, they can create a short circuit, but this will be fixed for the next version.

Designator Value Part-No Price / EUR Count Sum / EUR
LED1 - LED4 side LED 950nm,60° Q65110A2463 0.35 4 1.40
LED1 - LED4 5 mm, 950 nm, 10° Q62703Q1820 0.27 4 1.08

Battary Connector[Bearbeiten]

Designator Value Part-No Price / EUR Count Sum / EU
P2 Batterypack Vorlage:Pollin 0.25 1 0.25
Batteryclip Vorlage:Pollin 0.15 1 0.15


Part I[Bearbeiten]

  1. Start soldering with the uC (ATTINY85V)
  2. C3 and C4 both 22pF,0603
  3. Go on with R3(1 kΩ, 0805) and C1(100nF,0603)
  4. With soldering the plug connector and the Batteryclip you ended this part - Mind the polarity of the battery clip!
  5. XTAL1 (8 MHz, on the other side)

Part II - Programming[Bearbeiten]

All parts are on the PCB - now start with programming the board.

  1. download the firmware v1.2 from TVBGone/download.html and use a programmer of your choice. The software you need is descibed on this site: AVR Toolchain).
  2. test for short circuit
  3. plug in the programmer Port P1
  4. change in the Makefile to the right Programmer/Port:
#AVRDUDE_PORT = com3        # programmer connected to serial device
  1. run make full

Part III[Bearbeiten]

Take the next part of your choice and solder it :) Please mind the polarity of LED5 (for the actual package, the green dot is the cathode)!


Now you are ready for testing see TVBGone/test.html.

Testing Advanced[Bearbeiten]

Go to your electronic store of your choice and test :)